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Wouldn’t you agree? GREEN is a wonderful color! 52 Weeks of Bloom & Color


Per Wikipedia, in surveys made in Europe and the United States, green is the color most commonly associated with nature, youth, spring, hope and envy. The modern English word green comes from the Middle English and Anglo-Saxon word grene, from the same Germanic root as the word “grass” and “grow”.

We have all been seeing a lot of grass or lawn exposing itself as of late and many are hoping to finally see something grow besides the snow banks. The sight of open lawn excites countless, offering the euphoric feelings of spring, the often nostalgic breath of youthfulness, bringing us through a long waited winter of hope, though I myself am hesitant.

There is an enormous interest as of late to begin some spring color from seed or bulb. Now and the next few weeks is absolutely the right time to give this a try if you are feeling adventurous, it is great fun to “push” a few tulip bulbs or daffodils indoors while the weather is still chilly.

I am, however, still holding my breath on this “early spring” thing I see going on all around me. It is almost contagious, though I remind myself, the reality of an early spring, though possible, seems rare.

Green also being the catalyst behind photosynthesis and the production of chlorophyll relates to an interesting read and beauty within Anna Atkins Sun gardens – Anna Atkins, also a botanist, was born on March 16th, 1799 and is known for publishing the first book with illustrations.

Outside of green this week we can also notice on a drive by view many of the Pin-Oaks are still hanging on to last year’s leaves. I’m not sure if that is good interest or not since the color green is not involved.

Though this week gardens are revealing long hidden Japanese fern, miniature Pines such as Mugo Donnas mini or Pumilio, Chamaecyparis vintage gold also shining through. Early Iris are daring to rise above the soil line, and I am sure would take their own selfies, but have no need, as the humans are taking numerous photos of them and posting them on social media.

This is the first in my 20 years I have witnessed as much excitement about Iris leaves sprouting as the Forsythias first blush.