Looking through the window reveals a mesmerizing view of the world. In quiet preponderance of the frozen terrain, one may become clothed in the silence, eyes continuing to survey the grounds beyond them. Delving deeper into the sense of the season, deeper into the sense of the change that surrounds us…& the north wind blows.
Yes, you have read it correctly; non-native Earthworms are invading NE Ohio and the delicate ecosystems of our forests.

“To get you started in beekeeping, if you know you want to be a bee keeper, RESEARCH – READ – LEARN – START HERE but DON’T STOP HERE” – Emily Mueller of Mueller’s Honeybee Removal in Akron, Ohio.
Are you wanting to create your very own honey hive this year? You have come to the right place – there is no better time than now to start gathering the basics you will need to create your own honey hive. Check out this video as Emily Mueller gives you a crash course in the basics of bee keeping. Then check out the links below to grab your own bee tools to get your hive underway.
The bare minimum you will need to get started:
BEE SUIT – “NEVER do an inspection without a bee suit. Bees can have good days and bad days”. – Emily Mueller
SMOKER – “Create natural smoke using things such as dried white pine needles or bark. You do not want to harm the bees with poison or chemicals in the smoker”. – Emily Mueller
BEE GLOVES – “I use Mr. Clean dish soap gloves because I can feel more in them, they fit snug and the bees cannot sting through them”. Emily Mueller
Mr Clean Gloves
HIVE TOOLS – “The J hook is the best”! – Emily Mueller
“J” Hook
HIVE – “Langstroth is the hive most commonly used in Ohio. An 8 frame box is lighter and easier to work with. It also mimics the smaller space of a bees natural tree set up. The smaller space also makes it easier for the bees to maintain the proper temperature in the winter months”. Emily Mueller
If you would like to speak with a bee expert or inquire about purchasing a nuc to start your hive, contact Emily Mueller at Muellerhoneybee@gmail.com
“Design results from human decisions. You can design with intention, which means you have a chance of doing it well, or you can let it happen, which means you will probably bungle the job. Design happens whether you’re aware you’re doing it or not paying attention. Nothing is un-designed. Things are badly designed, well designed, and points between”. –Mike Monteiro – from the book “You’re My Favorite Client”.
Crystal: Hi Michelle!
I’ve just read some great things about Sansevieria plants (Mother-in-law’s tongue). Apparently they are great air purifiers, even removing formaldehyde from the air!
My question is twofold: 1) Do you know if I can buy these in a nursery in the Akron area and 2) How do I care for them once I get one home? The inside of my house is blocked from a lot of light, so I am hoping you’ll tell me they do well with little sun.
Thanks for your help!
You’ve heard it before – A rose is a rose is a rose, or is it? Does a rose by any other name smell just as sweet? Do you know? Have you ever given it a thought? A question reaching high on your priority list, I know. You cannot deny it is an interesting question, admitting most of us think a rose smells like, well, a rose.
There are so many blooming beauties, it is hard to recount them all, and here we offer a brief list
The last two weeks of May have been absolutely jaw dropping. We all become something reminiscent of a ‘rubber necker’ when we drive past a well-designed display of color. Has that happened to you? And then you scratched your head wondering what the combination was and how to duplicate it in your own garden?
Check out these combos for the last weeks of May into June