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The Weed that became an Empress


What is a weed? Everyone has a definition – growing like a weed – spreading like a weed – tenacious like a weed – Ah, better pull this weed before it roots in, the latter often used in reference to a bad habit Are weeds annual? Perennial? Both

How do they spread? By wind, rain, hitchhiking, gravity, pressure, happenstance, intention & purpose

How do you remove a weed? Spray it with poison, douse it in salt, cut it down, pull it out, thrash it, trash it and burn it to the ground – have you felt like this before?

Now, where is this weed in question? What is a weed? We have learned a weed grows quickly, spreads rapidly and roots in where it may. Plays in the wind, dances in the rain, travels with friends, planted firmly by gravity, does well under pressure, enjoys spontaneity, has a plan and intends to reason towards that goal – Or not  – Bees love them too!

A weed is ANYTHING unwanted in the landscape – the landscape of our garden – the landscape of our lives Opening our minds to a different perspective creates a world where weeds are wanted, needed and at times downright refreshing. Remember the bees love them & since they pollinate 90% of our food crops we should all love bees. I have my ideas of what a weed is and you have yours. A maker of dandelion wine would not appreciate his crop being labeled weeds – or would he? We use “weedy” plants in the landscape to prevent erosion. If you look closely at the label on your lawn seed bag you will discover a weed seed % – You have planted weeds!!!

Are weeds good or bad?  

WARNING: Do Not Continue – unless you want to know the moral to the story

Normally I would answer weeds are mostly bad, though, a little birdy showed me the way.

A small sprout in the back garden, which had been overlooked in the earlier weeding adventure – had grown to be quite tall and still went unnoticed.

Until a visitor one day commented they would like to find a Tulip Tree. As they finish the request, I comment of where to buy one and question the intent – Right tree – Right place – or Sad Tree – Mad Face.

Looking out the back window, this small sprout, who had been overlooked for such a long time, had grown to be quite a specimen. As I peered through the window, this weed/tree in all of its glory, with apical meristem waving, smiled absolutely exclaiming – LOOK at me I am a TULIP TREE – & my heart screamed WEED! As my mouth offered it to my visitor only when it was time to properly dig it out.

Of course I wanted it gone – they grow quickly and I do not have space for the size of this tree at maturity. Every reason to dislike it, though of course I knew Cardinals LOVED them, still, a weed to me.

En route to a jobsite each morning I met a bright red, youthful male cardinal – each morning he was enjoying the same exact spot in the road. One morning I decided to look to the direction he was facing and there before me stood a beautiful Tulip Tree.

In that moment it struck me between the eyes – this cardinal was my red flag – He opened my eyes just a bit wider – I believe made them a bit brighter. The Tulip Tree To some a weed To some a wanted tree To some a home

If you can open your eyes wide enough you too would discover  

That weed is really an Empress in disguise!