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I spy Construction!

What eyes see

A scientific study has shown that our eyes and brain, in cahoots, decide not to send approximately 45 minutes of the reality they have viewed, in the bright of day, and keep it from your conscious mind. You see, your eyes and brain collectively decided for you that you do not need this information.

I suppose then we all must be zombies for at least 45 minutes of each day.

Now, wouldn’t it be nice if the views your eyes keep from you would be the ones they deceive you with.

Yes, as well as your very own eyes keeping information from you, they then turn and take some of the information you do get and give you the totally wrong view of it.

i.e. Being in the construction industry I have seen more than my share of homeowners having a meltdown over what they see at the start of a project.

In order to build, you must first tear down. You will notice this at any new construction site or an existing site being renovated. The old space must be torn out and emptied. Walls must be torn down, mountains moved and boulders taken out of the way. The soil must be prepped and graded, bridges built if necessary and new firm foundations to lie.

Sometimes in the tearing out process our eyes can tell our hearts – We will never be the same – This space will never hold peace or pleasure for me again.

I know from experience this is a ruse – 100% of the time the space will be more fantastic than ever imagined – Though our eyes scream quite the contrary.

In life it is the same.

If your conscious mind does not have vision then you cannot truly see!