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Did you know there could be something blooming &/or bright in your garden during the first week of January? – 52 Weeks of Bloom & Color.


Some flowers are braver than most of us. Many of us shudder a bit at the thought of venturing out in the cold. We hug ourselves tightly and hold our breath waiting for a warmer day.

Only the most passionate would even imagine gardening in weather such as this.

Though, in the first week of January whilst most of us are snug in front of the fireplace with hot cocoa in hand – (Or trying to catch up from all the holiday bliss), the Gold Collection of Helleborus have long been entertaining themselves. Blooming away in their solitary places – mostly unnoticed. One in particular, Helleborus Jacob may be easily overlooked, as its pristine white blossom often blends with the snow. Erica flowering Heath perfection also seems as a snow covered evergreen. Though, a closer inspection would prove the profusely blooming white blossoms exist amidst the snow. If one would like to bring these two fellas a little more attention from your passerby’s you may want to plant them closely to Hypericum ‘Brigadoon – also known as St. John’s wort Brigadoon – which itself will continue with bright red orange and yellow tones from December into the edge of winter.

Our old standby the Cornelian cherry dogwood – Cornus mas, with its bright raspberry like fruit. Adding the additional fun of birdwatching as they delight in these wonderful treats, (if of course you chose not to make jam of it yourself as the fruit is edible).

Winterberry Holly adorned with the densely beaded clusters of bright red fruit – which sway gracefully during times of wind.

Who said the garden was boring in January – and this describing briefly the first week of color in January – We are just getting started

As I caught a conversation about someone’s surprise of seeing Johnny jump ups or Lamium in bloom – I witnessed Vinca blooming during the first week of January

So put on a warm coat and walk the garden. You may be surprised and catch one of those brave flowers in bloom.

More color and interest for the second week of January – Next